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HI NOBLE MEMBERS OF THE WORLD, FELLOW COMRADES, LADIES & GENTLEMEN, MAY I TAKE THIS GOD GIVEN GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY TO CREATE THIS MAGNIFICIENT PROFILE TO INTERACT WITH YOU BECAUSE MY CONSCIENCE LEAVES ME WITH NO OPTION AND SOMEONE MUST DO IT,SOMEONE MUST ADDRESS IT,BUT IF NOT YOU AND ME,WHO WILL? IF NOT NOW WHEN? SOMEONE MUST DO IT AND WE MUST DO IT TOGETHER BECAUSE TOMORROW BELONGS TO THOSE WHO PREPARED FOR IT TODAY. My fellow comrades,juveniles,men and women. We are all aware of the challenges we meet in the world and most of our efforts become futile because we have never been one. Each and everyone is aware that most of the world offices are eroded by corrupt leaders. Our world has been marked with debate about great issues,issues of Corruption,issues of injustice,issues of poverty,issues of hunger,issues of illeteracy,issues of prosperity and depression. But rarely in any time does an issue lay bare the secret heart of the world itself. Rarely we are met with a challenge,not to our growth abundance,or our welfare,or our justice,or our security but rather to the values and the purposes and the meaning of our beloved world. The issue of Justice.the issue of Corruption,the issue of poverty,the issue of illiteracy and the issue of equal rights for humans is an issue. And should we yearn for changes in the world,should we fold hands and watch corruption playing its part,should we live in glass houses,live a luxury and flamboyancing life still be unequal to the issue,and should we have corrupt leaders in the world,and should we have injustice,and should we have millions of unemployment juveniles in the world,we will have fail as the world,as you,as me,. For with a world as with rich people like you,talented people,what will a man profited if it shall gain fame,power,money and lose their own dignity,soul unsettled issues in the world. Let us begin a new..birth for the world..remembering the situation we have gone through..civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always subject to proof. Let us never negotiate out of fear,but let us never fear to negotiate. Lets explore what problems unite us instead of belaboring those problems which divide us. Lets unite,for the first time,formulate serious and precise strategies to ensure the rights of every fellow creature is fulfilled without religion discrimination,gender discrimination,tribal discrimination or life discrimination. I feel a burden in my heart each night going to bed fully knowing the world can change and we can restore hopes in the world. Lets be leaders who educated young children to the wonders of their world,leaders who helped to feed the hungry and prepared them to be taxpayers instead of taxeaters. Lets be leaders who helped the poor find their own way and protect the rights of world citizens. Lets be leaders who helped end corruption,who helped end tribalism and lets create equality among the communities. The future of the world belongs to us. The days of corruption,tribalism,injustice are long gone and now we MUST UNITE AS ONE. We all know that the world of justice to justice makes the whole world bright. When great minds come together,outstanding feet seemingly unachievable can be surmounted,so i am here to network with you for i believe theres a brilliant child locked inside every student. I rest my perspectives on your desk appealing for you to unite and work together in one way or the other. THANK YOU & GOD BLESS THE WORLD.