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peterachor got 3 votes with an average ranking of 2/5

It may not work for you the way it work for me

make hey while the sun shine, you are the only one that can make things work out for yourself, never think that anyone's help can take you anywhere, when man help you and you see him sa your God it's make God limite that which he has done for you to make u know that it's him that give the that man power to help you that is why you must keep thanking God for anything that happen in your life, just start that thing you are thinking about and see how far God will take you, never relax on anybody but trust in God and you will see his mighty works in your life (one love).


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Comments (1)


ur intro

7 Feb 11, 11:18 AM, Africa/Lagos

im realy motivatd with ur intro. u must be a good motivatnal speaker.

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