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oodajio got 3 votes with an average ranking of 2/5

How Effective is your Marital Communication

Repeatedly looking at your watch: Do you really want your spouse to think that it's not important to you to take time for his (or her) concerns? If you really don't have time right then, tell your spouse that you are feeling distracted currently because you don't have much time. Then set another time to talk as soon as possible. Failure to Listen: Effective listening requires total attention without distractions. An undisciplined mind is full of random thoughts. Worries, fears, financial problems cloud the mind to the point that what is being said is not being heard. Being able to devote 100% of attention to the conversation requires a great deal of discipline. But if communication is to be effective, learning to listen is one of the main priorities. Listening without Bias: Everyone grows up to see the world in a different light. Experience, culture, language and belief systems get in the way of a conversation that makes it too easy to miss the points made by either side. Knowing how to set aside biases can help to establish peace between husband and wife and save a great deal of the expense associated by involving a third party. Continuing to watch television: This is another way to communicate disrespect and lack of concern for your spouse. At the end of your life, do you really think you'll look back and wish you'd watched more TV? Not likely. But it is very likely that you'll wish you had put more time and effort into your marriage. Replying "Nothing" when asked what's on your mind: This is a word that leaves your partner stone-walled. Communication is a two-way street and is an indicator of the health and well-being of the marriage. If you opt-out, you automatically lose. Refusing to interact when your spouse is trying to talk to you: This can be a control issue that lets your spouse know that no one's going to make you talk when you don't want to. You may keep the control but lose your marriage one day. The Urge to Interrupt and Criticize: Many families are guilty of this action. Familiarity should not be the excuse to cut into the middle of a conversation. It's a fault of human nature that should be temporarily set aside. The best method is simply to let the other partner have his or her say on the matter before expressing a different opinion. Many arguments could be avoided simply through attentive listening. In some cases offering up an opinion is not necessary if all the other party wants is to air a grievance and have someone listen. The best method is to just ask questions relating to the subject. Changing the subject abruptly: This tactic is designed to block the other person in his or her efforts to share. It denotes a lack of respect and consideration for your mate's feelings and is just plain rude

Ethnicity? African
Body Type? Slim
Height? 6'11
Hair Color? Black
Eye Color? Brown
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Comments (1)



31 Dec 09, 10:38 AM, Africa/Lagos

There has been a growing trend in research on the relationship between inflation and

inflation uncertainty. Despite using a variety of approaches to measure uncertainty,

researchers only reach a hesitant conclusion as to whether higher inflation promotes or

retards inflation uncertainty. Empirical investigations by Fischer (1993), Kormendi and

Meguire (1995), De Gregoio (1992, 1993) and Smyth (1992) found that inflation

uncertainty was relatively lower in economies with low inflationary rates. It was concluded

that inflation uncertainty increases mainly when monetary policy changes. In contrast,

Andras’ (1997) empirical result is inconclusive on the relationship between inflation and

inflation uncertainty. Studies have also shown that the relationship between the rate of

inflation and its variability tends to break down when the sample is disaggregated into

subgroups. For example, cross section analysis by Logue and Willet (1976) reveals that the

relationship breaks down for countries that have moderate inflation. This suggests the

existence of a “threshold level” of inflation rate below which the positive level variability

relationship ceases to hold.

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