
Member dix-fiberesima iyowuna

dix-fiberesima iyowuna

hello everyone its good to be back once again
port harcourt, Nigeria.

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dixon4luv got 3 votes with an average ranking of 2/5


Am very nice,straigth forward,very very funny,but not stupid.i love to meet new friends,chilling out with friends.i don't like pretenders.


School Level Location Years
MDU Madonna University, Okija
Higher Education Anambra 2007-2012
University demonstration secondary school port harcourt
Secondary / High school Cross river State 1999-2005
sea shell nursery and primary school,port harcourt
Primary Rivers 1991-1999

What industry do you work in?? Education / academic research
Employment Status? Student
Education? Undergraduate degree
Annual Salary? I'm on forbes for how much $$$ i have

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