CK WOODEN a.k.a Mr Woodenlegs in your neighbourhood, Always in that entertainment Industry. God fearing, respect, humble, Urnest but no take big shit. Loveing you more. check us out also @ www.youtube/ck wooden or www.youtube.com/mrwoodenlegs,www.facebook.com/woodenlegschikason. www.facebook/afrotonenigeria, www.facebook/afrotonentertaiment. Like my page, ck wooden. We are strictly Afrikans, Naija for real. Our dream is to grow and let others grow, our thinking is to let peace reign, our goal is simply to succeed in keeping you happy, our dislike is evil, enemies and corruption, our fear is God almighty, our love is you. Join us if you love our dreams.- The world is sinking everyday and our dream is to invite everyone to the kingdom of freedom. Think and make a change so we can heal this crazy world.
AFTER THE WORLD CUP DREAM, WE MOVED TO WORLD GREATEST PROBLEM,(LOVE).THE SINGLE ALBUM OF MR WOODENLEGS featuring the most popular Ugandan singer Dinzy ,Is now RELEASED IN UK UNDER IBOMEDIA LTD UK. Dawnload now/buy...link...itune....www.babycd.co.uk/mrwoodenlegsonelove----- For more info--- www.ibomedia.co.uk,www.youtube.com/mrwoodenlegs, www.facebook.com/woodenlegschikason or call 00447932520562,00447879780125--08033481306 or 004915211217755 , 0034 634054466. CHECK US OUT WITH THE CURRENT SINGLE EXCLUSIVELY EBEANO LATEST SINGLE 2014 WITH HIT TRACKS= IFEOMA, SOMEONE CARE FOR YOU, JESUS WAS BORN ON CHRISTMAS DAY, JESUS IS TOO GOOD AND HOLYGHOST FIRE, BY YOUR OWN PERSON, CK WOODEN. MAY GOD BLESS AFRICA. PEACE