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more_dan_abroda got 2 votes with an average ranking of 2/5

"Anything u do 2day we count on u 2morow.Do good"

Am Afolayan by name.i`m a loving easy going guy who takes life simple, fear God, cared and have human feelings............i'm responsible and loving guy who forgives easily. I love all human being(both male and female)so far u have been created by God, from any part of the world as i`m not descriminative and i respects others opinion. Remain Bless till i hear 4rm you...

Comments (1)


The CrossRoads of life...

11 Dec 08, 05:40 PM, Africa/Lagos

A crossroad in life,A time for change;
Of mind, body, and emotions.Change for you, change for me,
Change for everyone and all the things I(we) will be.

At one corner, there stands a child;
This child, nurtured from the world,
finds that there was always something holding it back;
A barrier to life,a barrier to truth,a barrier to overcome.

As an eagle struggling to break it's bonds,
the child breaks free and runs, never to return.
He runs from you -runs to me,and runs to everyone tht surround us,
Runs to all the things he wants to be.

To the West, there stands a teen;
A teen, who finds the world distorted,
an altered imaged from what it was
taught to believe in.Is stranded;
Lost in the twisted morals of the world.

The teen longs for acceptance,
for a place of refuge,for people who'll understand him.
The teen is changing;Changing from "you",Changing into "Me",
Changing into all he will become to be.

As the teen searches, it is rejected.
An outcast among other teens,
an outsider among outsiders.
A single, lonely solitary figure;
A figure who can accomplish what others cannot -
to succeed in solitude,to live his own life;to escape the faces of the past:and free from every struggles and challenges of life; to escape to be useful for God and other fellow humanity:Faces of you,Faces of Me,Faces of everyone I hoped to be.
One Love

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