3 Mar 17, 06:55 AM, Africa/Lagos | Previous 11 of 11 Next

Do you love music, Do you have a good ear for sound? Do you dream of becoming a music producer? If your answer is yes, then HURRY now and take advantage of the latest MUSIC production session in town, pay less, and learn what will feed you for life. Sign up for this tutorial at Pearl studio No.8 waniba rd. UYO or call 07065606674 / 08173877311 Note :- lessons begin on 15/3/2017. Hurry now while the registration is on. Powered By: Pearl studio, Lynner studio , Beyond concept

Do you love music, Do you have a good ear for sound? Do you dream of becoming a music producer? If your answer is yes, then HURRY now and take advantage of the latest MUSIC production session in town, pay less, and learn what will feed you for life. Sign up for this tutorial at Pearl studio No.8 waniba rd. UYO or call 07065606674 / 08173877311 Note :- lessons begin on 15/3/2017. Hurry now while the registration is on. Powered By: Pearl studio, Lynner studio , Beyond concept - click for next photo
Do you love music, Do you have a good ear for sound? Do you dream of becoming a music producer? If your answer is yes, then HURRY now and take advantage of the latest MUSIC production session in town, pay less, and learn what will feed you for life. Sign up for this tutorial at Pearl studio No.8 waniba rd. UYO or call 07065606674 / 08173877311 Note :- lessons begin on 15/3/2017. Hurry now while the registration is on. Powered By: Pearl studio, Lynner studio , Beyond concept


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