i need you all my pals to contribute to this issue cos am fe...
i need you all my pals to contribute to this issue cos am fed up and i have got nothing to say to my friend again.
a friend of mine fell in love with some guy(her first love) who deflowered her and dumped her. after three months this guy surfaced again telling her that he was sorry for. his action and pleaded that my friend accept him back.on the verge of their reconciliation this guy sparked up again and disappeared. these incident repeated several times and each time they meet he will sleep with her and pretend that things are ok and the next minute he is saying something different, making this girl feel like shit. i have done all i can to make her understand that this guy don't love her but she wouldn't listen. its not as if she is not a good girl. she is an angel.
so tell me pals is this love? does she deserve to be treated like this?

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