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please all do not take this as a joke i think am ugly will i ever find true love?i got other things going for me am funny work and school in the uk nice family please help me as i am not growing any younger...
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this is a true life confession, and i want everyone to take it serious and help me out although i take other people confession for joke..this is serious..plssss...ok it started from here, i had this g/f in skool we loved ourselves till the stage that wen she doesnt see me for 1 day, she cries( accordingly to her friends) i loved her so much, then the devil came..i had sex wit her for the first tim...
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my boyfriend stole from me....but i still love him what should i do? it really hurts to know am in love with a thief but i cant let go!!...
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God is so big - He made all Animals and gave man dominion over them - He also made baby vending machines and said "my son go and fill the earth" - Thank you Jesus am on my 11th baby now - expecting more by Gods grace...
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this guy called dejifortune, i like is personlity even if i dnt knw a guy o!! am nt sayin am trippin but i just like him..all past confessions had replied on. his replies r geunie..i like well well..i wish i knw him..he has this brain every man needs...kepp it up man...iotolorin...
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I think confessions should be screened before publishing to public - because many people use verbose english and write confessions irrelevantly - please dguy look into this....
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i wonder what is Nigeria turning to...i just went down to re park a car and before i came back, someone enter my office and went away with my Nokia 3230....this is Crasy.....dejifortune...
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this is a really settled one....@least in my mind. a friends wife is disturbing me and its really bad. i told her off tym without no but shes adamant. she cald me one 9t n said she wants me to give it to her!!!! m fed up... shld i report her to her hus?????...
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I am a single christian guy looking for a good christian woman between the age 18 to 27 who is willing to accept me for who I am in terms of cultural background and so on. If you are interested to know more about me do drop me a message and let me know more about yourself. God bless you...
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Hello all. I am a Nigerian But live in texas - I have 2 women in my life (none is Nigerian - i dont even approach Nigerians girls in US because they are not close to wife materials - not all though), anyway one is American and the other is Pueto rican - I love them both - but the pueto rican has proven to love me - not because of my look or wealth - she stood by me -when i was down with measles - ...
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