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posted by : moak on Friday, October 3rd 2008, 11:21 AM Share


What is Successful Entrepreneurs Network?
Successful Entrepreneurs Network is SADC’s Expanded Vison to raise and nurture One Million Successful Entrepreneurs in Nigeria by year 2020. SEN! Successful Entrepreneurs Network is the vehicle that will drive that vision.

What are the benefits of Successful Entrepreneurs Network?
1] It will eliminate the current hassle many of our readers across the country are going through before they get the paper.

2] It will deepen entrepreneurship culture in the country. Everyone agrees that the small and medium enterprises are the engine room that drives fast-growing economies all over the world. And the Central Bank of Nigeria acknowledges it in its Financial System Strategy 2020 initiative which President Umaru Yar’Adua has given his full support. FSS 2020 is an elixir to transform Nigeria into one of the 20 fastest growing economies in the world by 2020. With the launching of Successful Entrepreneurs Network, the wealth creation culture, which SADC spear-headed back in 1995, will be further strengthened.

3] It will create employment One of the critical components of Successful Entrepreneurs Network are the Authorized Resellers. These authorized resellers will serve as the ‘clearing house’ through which SDE! readers will be “connected” to SADC in a huge network. To be an Authorized Reseller, you must have a facility –– that is a condusive location –– where our readers will buy PIN CODE and collect their SuccessDigest Extra!. Authorized Reseller will be gainfully employed rendering this service.

4] It will accelerate the growth of small and medium enterprises in Nigeria An outstanding attribute of SuccessDigest readers is their bold determination to create their own businesses. Instead of joining the unemployment queue –– which is one of Nigeria’s government chronic sources of headache –– they step out confidently to start their own businesses and become employers of labour. With the launching of Successful Entrepreneurs Network, more Nigerians will draw inspiration from them, thus moving the country closer to the realization of her dream to become one of the 20 fastest growing economies in the world.

How will Successful Entrepreneurs Network Work?
The running of Successful Entrepreneurs Network will be very smooth and hassle-free. The system will create a network of SuccessDigest Extra!readers. All existing SDE! readers will first be encouraged to join the network. After they do so, they will then be given incentive to introduce the paper to others, preferably people who are close to them like relations, friends and associates.

Why will SuccessDigest reward members of the network?
SuccessDigest has become a household name by relying heavily on word-of-mouth advertising. All the blessed souls who helped us to spread the word about the publication did so because of the impact the publication had on them and their desire to see that others also enjoy the same benefit. Henceforth, that will change. Our readers who introduce the paper to others will now be rewarded handsomely through our Loyalty Reward Programme.

What is Loyalty Reward Programme?

It is a system for rewarding our readers for joining the network and actively introducing the paper to others. There are FOUR levels for any diligent, devoted and focused reader to get rewarded. They are: Level 1: Wise Sower Reward; Level 2: Focus Reward; Level 3: Persistence and Patience Reward and Level 4: The Ultimate Reward. Then there is a Bonus Reward for Enterprise.

Level 1: Wise Sower Reward

This is the first reward you will get after joining the one million successful entrepreneurs network. It’s called “Wise Sower Reward” because only wise farmers who plant at the right season can expect to harvest. The reward is a minimum of N15,000 cash and a set of books on entrepreneurship. The books will serve to lay a solid foundation for entrepreneurial success that is the major goal of anyone joining the network. [SIDE NOTE: These books are meant to be read, digested and useful lessons about how to become a successful entreprenuer learned from them]. In order for you to qualify for this reward, you must have introduced at least 5 [FIVE] people to SuccessDigest Extra! who must, themselves, be active readers of the paper.

Level 2: Focus Reward

When a person starts a new business, they are usually rearing to go. The joy of getting started and the anticipated reward for owning your own business will get your adrenalin pumping. But that romance will soon disappear when it becomes obvious that being in business for yourself is not a bed of roses you thought it to be.

At this point, you discover you really have to struggle to get going; to maintain a focus. Seasoned entrepreneurs will tell you that one of the greatest challenges they face all the time is how to maintain a focus on their goal. There are many potential empire builders who lost their way at this point because they couldn’t stay focused on their goal.

As a reward for not allowing yourself to be distracted, you will get a cash reward of N75,000 and an intensive, three-week, all expenses* paid [see Answer To Your FAQs in the next edition of SDE!] entrepreneurial development training at the Success Attitude Development Centre [SADC]. The entrepreneurship course will cover such topics as ––

1 What It Takes To Be An Entrepreneur
2 How To Recognize Opportunities
3 How To Write A Winning Business Plan
4 How To Know What Customers In Your Market Need
5 How To Market Your Products And Services
6 Effective Business Management
7 Step-by-step Instruction For Easy Book-keeping
8 How To Read The Balance Sheet and Prepare Your Cash Flow
9 How To Acquire Customers And Keep Them For Life
10 How To Stand Up To Competitors And Overcome Them
11 How To Establish Your Business On A Solid Foundation Of Integrity and Honesty

And a lot more!

As a successful graduate of this entrepreneurial training, you will be in a position to develop a business model and write a business plan for it. Your cash reward of N75,000 is expected to be invested for this purpose.

[SIDE NOTE]:To qualify for this reward, you must have introduced at least another 10 [TEN] people to SuccessDigest Extra! who must, themselves, be active readers of the paper. At this second level, you’re expected to have introduced a total of 15 active readers of SDE! to the system. However, if for some strange reasons you fail to carry out this obligation, you will not be able to draw your cash reward from the system, even though your Successful Entrepreneurs Network account will continue to reflect it. And any time down the road when you meet the required target, your cash reward will be there for you to withdraw.

Level 3: Persistence and Patience Reward

When a business owner braves all the odds, he gradually discovers that he’s able to gain control over circumstances arising in his business. He’s been toughened by the several battles he has fought and won and he’s becoming the master of the game. His business is beginning to show some profit as customers increase. But he’s not there yet. He needs to exercise patience so as not to derail.

To congratulate you for your persistence and patience, you will get a cash reward of N500,000, an intensive, all-expenses paid, two-week ICT training. At the end of the training –– which will empower you to be computer and Internet literate and be able to do a business online –– you will receive a free, brand new laptop.

[SIDE NOTE]: To qualify for this reward, you must have introduced at least another 15 [FIFTEEN] people to SuccessDigest Extra! who must, themselves, be active readers of the paper. At this third level, you’re expected to have introduced a total of 30 active readers of SDE! to the network.

Also, you’re expected to submit your business idea and the business plan you wrote for it as evidence that you’re still on course to becoming one of the 1,000,000 Successful Entrepreneurs that the system is created to raise and nurture. However, if for some strange reasons you fail to carry out this obligation, you will not be able to draw your cash reward from the system, even though your Successful Entrepreneurs Network account will continue to reflect it. And any time down the road when you meet the required target, your cash reward will be there for you to withdraw.

Level 4: The Ultimate Reward

Eureka! You’re there! Bring out the drums. It’s celebration time. Hmm...success. Sweet success! Well yes, you can celebrate. You’re perfectly entitled to it for reaching this level. And your ultimate prize is a mouth-watering N4,000,000 jackpot! But you must temper your celebration with caution. Why? Because this is just the beginning of the journey for you. You’re just about to experience, first hand, all that this programme has been preparing you for. Your bumper cash reward is expected to serve as your start-up capital for that business model that you developed for which you have written its business plan.

For some, the cash reward would be used as an expansion capital for their existing business. There would be many who would’ve launched their business ideas, using the cash rewards they received earlier. Whatever may be the case, welcome to the exclusive club of business owners! [SIDE NOTE]: To qualify for the Ultimate Reward, you must have introduced at least another 20 [TWENTY] people to SuccessDigest Extra! who must, themselves, be active readers of the paper. At this fourth level, you’re expected to have introduced a total of 50 active readers of SDE! to the network. Also, you’re expected to give 10% of your cash reward to a charity or a worthy cause of your choice. A list of reputable charitable organizations and worthy causes will be provided for you to choose from when you’re joining the network. You will also be free to choose a charity or worthy cause that is not on our list. However, the genuine status of these alternative charity organizations or worthy causes must be verified by us before the money is released. Now, brighten up! Don’t see the 10% that you’re giving away from your bumper harvest as a depletion of your capital. It’s not! It will only guarantee your increase and ensure that the devourer does not attack your finances! [Malachi 3: 10-12]. Also, it will prove to the world that you have imbibed one of the key lessons our NGO is imparting on the entrepreneurs we are raising and nurturing as contained in the third part

How to register?
First, you must have a fastecash account, incase you do not have one, log on to www.fastecash.com, click on register and fill registration details. But make sure that you have a valid email address. Submit the form and you will be notified of the successful registration. Login to your account. Check on www.sen2020.com, click on resellers to find the nearest reseller to you where you could purchase the pin code to fund your account. Purchase the pincode and place your arrow key on "my account", two boxes appears, click on "recharge account". Feed in your code # and pin # as displayed on the pincode you purchased, and click on recharge. From there you log on to www.sen2020.com, click on register and follow instruction. Since I am the one introducing the network to you, put my username MOJISOLA as the referral.


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