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posted by : celina4u on Tuesday, April 20th 2010, 9:27 AM Share

Discover the Secerts of Body Language Magic In Becoming an International Person

1. Introduction – Where does this all start?

Body language is defined as nonverbal, and mostly unconscious, communication through use of gestures, postures, facial expressions, and alike. To the trained eye, it can reveal the thoughts of any and everyone, as well as their current emotional condition.

Various studies have indicated that communication made between people in face to face conversation, consists of a less than 35% verbal component, and an 85% non verbal component.

Examples of this can be seen in every day life; a woman who is conscious of having gained weight about her thighs will smooth her dress down, and a guy who is unhappy will sit down with his arms folded, legs crossed, and a slight frown on his face.

Studies also indicate that women are much more perceptive than men – Hate to break it to you guys, but most of you just aren’t wired that way.

The average woman has over 14 areas of her brain dedicated to communication, whereas the average man will only have between 4and 6. This doesn’t mean that guys have no hope of reading body language accurately; it just means that most men will have to consciously try to read a person’s body language, whereas most women will automatically do it subconsciously.

This EBook will help you explore and define the different actions, postures, and gestures of a person who likes you and is seeking your attention. It is important to understand that as well as being able to pinpoint whether a person is using gestures that indicate he or she likes you, it is just as important to be able to spot those gestures that indicate whether a person doesn’t like you – to help you gain a balanced view of their true feelings.

2. Ground Rules for Accurate Body Language Reading

One of the most common mistakes a rookie body language reader will make is to interpret individual gestures in isolation of other gestures.

For example, when someone rubs their left hand on their right arm it can indicate many things – negative feelings, sore arm, or maybe they are just cold – it all depends on the other gestures they are using at the time.

Another key factor is the circumstances under which certain gestures are made. A classic example of this is ‘the woman in the short skirt’, who sits with her ankles crossed tightly in front of her. Ankle crossing is usually associated with negativity and defense, however a woman with a short skirt may cross her ankles for certain obvious, necessary reasons – i.e. she may not be being negative, she may just be trying to stop people seeing up her skirt.

Remember that practice makes perfect. Body language isn’t always easy to read because there is often so much going on at one time that it’s hard to keep track of it all. My suggestion is that you take 15 minutes each day and dedicate it to reading peoples’ body language. This way in time, reading body language will become second nature.

3. What Do The Eyes Tell Us?

Often described as the windows to the soul, the eyes can give us great insight into the true thoughts and feelings of a person in any situation.

This is just part of what you can learn from body language series. Discovering how you can use body language in wider range in enhancing your life and becoming a winning champion in any fields/ interviews. To get full doze or comprehensive guide on body language, check the guardian newspaper on 20th April, 2010 in the next 14 days for cheap access.

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