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posted by : mabelight on Monday, December 14th 2009, 2:44 PM Share

Holiday and cash club


I will like to tell you about an organisation called Holidays and Cash. This organisation is a kind of global club. It’s for Tourism and for people that travels.

There are two aspects in this club.
1. Service 2. Benefit

1. Service:
This is meant for people that travel a lot. It enables them book their flight, hotels, resort or hire car without the help of an agent as you’ve been doing.

When you join by means of registration, you will be given an I.D which is a website that will enable you book any of the above with discount through the club. You can also have access to e-books assistance for visa and other services.

I know big boys like you need this service because you won’t want anyone to help do it. It will save time and money for you.

2. Benefit:
This is the second aspects. This is a way of making money by way of introducing this club to someone. How?

When you register, you bring others to register. The people you bring will also bring others to register, this way you earn money. On each head/person you bring, you get $30 and each person the people you registered brings, you have $11 for yourself.

However, there is a method called “Ratio 2:1”. Be it through you, your up line (the person that brought you) or your down line (the people you brought). Any time the system records 2:1, it means that 2 persons on the left and 1 on the right which makes it 3 persons then, what you will have is $90 and as it goes like that, they will be adding it. Another 2:1 is $90, another is $90, it continues.

Infact, the company pays on weekly basis. It is founded by Michael Faust from Australia and the head office is in UK. The registration fee is $250.

My I. D is www.holidaysandcash.com/benus

Please, even if you won’t register, do speak to people that you know on my behalf to make use of this service and register through my I.D. At least, this is one thing I believe you can do for me now. Some may need the benefit and others the service. Just help in advertising.

Thanks so well.

NB: You can use this to book through any local Airline (both local and international). Hotels are over 900,000 hotels world wide.

Please don’t fail tell people.

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