14 Jul 16, 11:43 AM, Africa/Lagos | Previous 11 of 15 Next

GodsTime Promise is an anointed minister of God who carries the awesome presence of God in worship. He has been a music minister in various ministries including the RCCG.

GodsTime Promise is an anointed minister of God who carries the awesome presence of God in worship. He has been a music minister in various ministries including the RCCG. - click for next photo
International gospel artiste GODSTIME PROMISE is acontemporarygospel singer, songwriter, composer and thefounder and president of MOREPRAISE ENTERTAINMENTwith avision to save the lost souls, lifting lives, help the worlddiscover the Greatness of God, His sovereignty andawesomeness with emphasis of His unending love formankind through his divinely inspired songs…


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